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At Physicians Body Sculpting we offer Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. This cutting edge technology is one of our most sought after non-invasive anti-aging treatments. PRP Therapy stimulates your own collagen production and cell migration to eliminate lines, folds and wrinkles. You will see an improvement in texture, fine lines and a distinct vibrant glow in your skin. PRP Therapy can also be used for hair restoration and growth.

What is PRP?

PRP involves using your own’s body healing properties to stimulate skin recovery by boosting collagen production, regenerating tissue, and tightening the skin. This is done by a simple blood draw from the arm that is then centrifuged to isolate and concentrate your own blood plasma which contains growth factors and other bioactive proteins that stimulate regeneration and healing.

How can PRP be used?

PPR can be used as a topical treatment (also known as the “Vampire Facial”) in conjunction with Microneedling and/or laser treatments. PRP can also be used to treat hair loss. In this treatment the plasma is injected and needled into your scalp. The concentrated platelet-rich plasma stimulates stem cells in and around hair follicles promoting hair growth.

What are the benefits of PRP?

PRP Therapy is a minimally invasive, all natural skin rejuvenation treatment with no downtime that provides amazing results. This non-surgical anti-aging treatment stimulates collagen production resulting in distinctly fresher, healthier, younger looking skin. A great advantage of this treatment is that there is no risk of allergic reactions because it uses your own blood.

How many sessions do I need and how long do results last?

A customizable treatment plan will be specially designed for you but we typically recommend patients get a series of 3 treatments, one month apart for optimal results. The natural and subtle results can last up to two years.

How long does it take to get a PRP treatment?

This varies depending on procedure. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy takes about 30-45 minutes depending on which areas are treated. Numbing cream is generally applied to the treatment area to minimize any discomfort.

PRP and Hair Growth Therapy

PRP can also be used to treat hair loss. In this treatment the plasma is injected and needled into your scalp. The concentrated platelet-rich plasma stimulates stem cells in and around hair follicles promoting hair growth. A PRP Hair Growth Treatment typically lasts about 30 minutes and requires no downtime. Specific aftercare instructions will be given to you by your provider to take home. We recommend an initial complimentary consultation where our medical aesthetician will evaluate and propose a treatment plan. Typically, we recommend a total of about 4 treatments, spaced out in 4-week intervals. Thereafter, depending on the patients needs and goals a maintenance treatment 1-2x a year might be recommended.

Is PRP Therapy right for you?

The best way to find out if this treatment is right for you is to speak with our amazing medical aesthetician, Joanna, in person. Please call 321-914-4925 today to schedule your free consultation at our convenient downtown Melbourne office.